Sunday, February 21, 2010

Luke and his animals.......


CDGE said...

So, do I understand this correctly, Luke has his own blog??? How can you do that when you can't even keep mine updated and current.

Sarah Bailey said...

ONLY so our family blog isn't ALL about Luke and the other kids feel slighted. Let's just say it is the overflow of Life in Livermore. I'm surprised you even know how to get on people's blogs? Has your Mac opened up a new world?

Anonymous said...

How are B of M characters animals? I think that's a little unfair to say.

Sarah Bailey said...

Molly - your eyes are too keen! But wouldn't you say King Noah would fall in that category?? Huh? Huh? :)

Irish Cream said...

He gets his OWN bath WITH toys? Don't let my girls know- they might start staging a strike!